Saturday, April 17, 2010

Entering your PIN backwards will save your life...

..and other lies.

So, here it is. No, Obama did not deem the National Day of Prayer as unconstitutional.  He is actually in a court battle trying to defend it.  And he is using the premise that prayer is a right and an important part of many Americans individual lives.  As such, he isn't hosting a major White House event.

And no, if you are captured by an attacker and forced to withdraw money from an ATM, entering your PIN number into the machine will not summon the police.

I am increasingly surprised at how many people will forward items without checking their validity first.  Nothing screams "I"M AN IDIOT" like not checking before hitting the "share" button on facebook.

There. I've ranted.


The good news is, I'm back on the mend.  The body's still pretty sore, but I've quit limping, and even took the stairs once yesterday instead of the elevator.

The brain isn't still quite back with it... I still have some weird moments of short term memory issues, where I forget which sentence I was reading, or what I was trying to say.  They say it is standard with a little brain-bruising. 


Was reading about the construction of the tabernacle in Exodus.  All of the Israelites liberally donated their possessions.  Many of these items had probably been given to them when they "spoiled" the Egyptians.  Now they gave the items back to God.

I especially appreciated how the ladies donated the mirrors that were used for the water basins.  What lady can live without their mirror? And these ladies donated theirs for God's house. 

I tend to have an issue with considering things to be "mine".  But are they? Am I using them for God's house?

A couple of neat things I've run into this morning:

Kip Copeland called into the customer service department, and he and I got to talking about their mission work.  He still keeps me updated. Cool. And Random.

People who feel no pain.
'nough said.

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