Monday, March 17, 2008

Deliver ME!

I'm stuck in English class. AHHH! I cannot WAIT to graduate and get out of this life.

Learning is fun. But American humans are soooo slow. And therefore the teacher must move soooo slowly.

And all the while these 40+ adults think they are so incredibly smart because they can actually send text messages. (honestly, ever listen to 40-year-olds talk about technology?) Jeeeez.

But the prof seems to know her stuff.

Random discussion:
Quinn: I thought I just heard you say that he is a jerk.
Sis: That is irrelevant.

"...if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth." 1 Cor 14:24, 25

Wow. What if my life was that in tune with God, that when I am witnessing, I could speak right to the heart of each person? Discern certain sins and preach salvation directly to the walls of whatever fortress is binding each person. Wow. Heavy.
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels,
and have not love,
I am just really, really annoying."
- sis' interpretation of the 1st verse of I Corinthians 13.

Almighty God, the great I AM
Immovable rock, omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord
Victorious warrior, commanding King of Kings
Mighty conqueror, and the only time
The only time I ever saw Him run

Was when He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”

-Phillips Craig and Dean


~Ashley Michele~ said...

Excellent post, as usual King Friday...Becca's paraphrase is brilliant, and I will be sure to plagiarize it directly. ;-)

By the way, I have updated now. Just so you know. :-)

Anonymous said...

So...I hope that you're not disappointed with the instructor DOESN'T know her stuff.

Yes, English does involve dealing with a variety of skill levels.