Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Family visit, Vision correction, etc.

It's that time again.  Time to get the eyes corrected.

Normally I just swing into cheap-mart, get some stuff scribbled on a piece of paper, and go on with my life.  But, seeing as I pay monthly for eye insurance, I did my homework, and ventured into one of the "expensive" eye doctors.

I gotta say the difference has been worth it.  Sure, it's mostly all the same equipment, but the personalized attention -- and Dr. Pierce's care and he additional techniques he used (I mean, heck, this guy know how to fit a prescription for newborns with eye problems. Skillz, I tell you!) to fit me with a prescription that can meet the demands of these eyes that spend hours in front of a computer screen -- have left me confident about this upcoming year. 

Fewer headaches, and better grades - here I come!


It looks like water, but I wouldn't drink it.  They take metals, grind them into nano-particles and put it in water.  The water then is used to cool the massive servers with the result of being up to 40% more effective.

Effective water. Who woulda' thunk?


What can I say, except "Give me Jesus"? 
We had Dad and Tim and Anne here last night.  Gotta' love family, and since Joellie and I were just chillin anyhow, it was great to have the company.  We're around Gavin all the time, so its easy to forget how much the family misses out on the little smiles (and the grumps) and the big eyes he's learning to use.

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me

Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you

So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through

And don't even realise what you did, believe me you

-Not Afraid, Eminem

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