"To disable emails, click here" Now who would want to disable a harmless little email? So cruel. Confined to a wheelchair or bed for the rest of its natural life. Man, my heart is about to break.
The Hamps were in a ripe mood tonight. Here goes.
(Quinn and Timmy singing loudly and off-key)
"III"m just sittin' out HEEERE watchin' airplanes.
Take off
Tryin' ta' figger out out which one you might be on.
An WHYYYY you don' love me anymooooooore
Let me suggest you two getting on one and Flyyyeeeiyyyyeiiyy out of here.
Eli: Quinn! Do you want to see Timmy's new fish?
Q: No man, saw him last time.
Eli: It's an angelfish.
Q:(preoccupied) uh-huh
Eli: Timmy named it Rebecca.
Q: Yeah he thinks his sister is an angel.
Sis: Or a fish.
Eli and Charity ('Bump)/
Tim: You oughta' come to JRA
Q: Why?
Tim: There are a lot of eligible young ladies.
Q: Oh really?
Tim: There's a girl that works at the office.
Q: And she's eligible?
Tim: She's cute.
Q: That doesn't make her eligible. We gotta work on your definitions. Did she have her devotions this morning? Can she interpret God's word? Does she have a calling to homeschool a large family?
Tim: Sheeez, Quinn! She's only 18!
'Bump: I was watching
That's So Raven and there was a little boy on there who has a crush on her.
Q: Hold it! How old are you?
'Bump: Eight.
Q: How do you know what a crush is?!!
'Bump: (Turning red) Tabby told me.
Sometimes I miss living at home.
Mom: Anything you say can and will
be blogged against you.
.....God Rant!....
You know, I am amazed. There are times in my life that I spend struggling with something. With surrendering something or accepting some truth in God's Word, or just His mindset on a matter. And I will pray and pray and fast, and still be unable to find victory or freedom.
And then suddenly there is a deliverance. It's like my entire being is changed. My mind, my spirit, even my fleshly 'cravings'. Unfathomably changed. I could have in no way envisioned or affected it. It's almost like getting saved again.
Sunday was that way. I've never been much for truly trusting God. There are always circumstances I've never been able to let go my control of. But suddenly it was like the walls of Jericho dropped. I could trust. At first I attributed it to not enough sleep. But as the week has worn on I can do nothing but rejoice. Talk about freedom.
And, like most other times, I then find out that God had put me on a fellow believer's prayer list. I was on their heart and they had interceded.
Wow. I don't understand what happens when we pray. But I've seen enough to know that God honors it. Praying for one another as got to be one of the most powerful things there is.
For this cause we also... do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Colossians 1:9&10)
"I feel like a hero, and you are my heroine" - Boys like Girls